Glycerin (KLK)

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Price per Kilogram
Glycerin is a colorless and odorless substance that exists in animal and plant fats⚡. This useful material is also used in a wide range of industries such as (pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, cosmetics and hygiene products, medicines, etc.).
Specifications :
  • Packing: Kilogram
  • Package type: Barrel
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In a simple definition or explanation in response to the question of what Glycerin is, it can be said to be an organic, odorless, and transparent substance that is used in a wide variety of industries. In fact, in the past, it was used as the best substance for softening and smoothing the skin. This substance is made from a combination of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon and is very environmentally friendly. Interestingly, products with a higher concentration of glycerin are suitable for people with sensitive skin, as it provides good skin moisture.

Glycerin (KLK) is a clear and odorless liquid found in most animal and plant fats like (fats present in the skin). This substance is considered a sugar alcohol. It exists in various forms: traditional (petrochemical industries), natural (animal and plant-based). It's worth noting that the commercial type is obtained through propylene alcohol or from natural products (vegetable oils) and is used in most skincare products. This colorless liquid easily dissolves in water, but not so well in organic solvents and ethanol. It is interesting to know that this substance easily loses its water in the presence of other substances and heat and will turn into a smoky aldehyde (which has a very bad smell).

An important point to note about this topic is that this product is used in various industries such as chemical solvents, in the production of paint, in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and hygiene products, in the production of detergents and shampoos, in foodstuffs, greases, etc., which we will discuss each of their applications in the following:


Applications of Glycerin

  • Used in the formulation of cosmetic and skincare products to maintain moisture and protect the skin.
  • Used to prevent the drying of toothpaste in tubes.
  • Creams made from this substance absorb more moisture compared to creams made from hyaluronic acid or silicone oils, also preventing water loss.
  • Widely used in the production of products such as shampoos, cosmetic creams, soaps, etc., to create softness and evenness of cosmetic materials on the face.
  • Used in pharmaceutical industries to moisten tablets, dissolve drugs, and increase viscosity.
  • Used in medicines for treating ear infections, in cough syrups, as a carrier for antibiotics and disinfectants, and in medical capsules.
  • Used in suppositories, heart medicines, and cough remedies.
  • Administered intravenously to prevent vein swelling.
  • Dietary supplements of this substance significantly help reduce eye pressure (eye disorders like glaucoma). The edible type prevents constipation as it brings plenty of water to the intestines.
  • Glycerin is used as a moisturizer to prevent roughness, dryness, and itching of the skin.

Applications of Glycerin in Various Industries

Other Uses of Glycerin

Glycerin is present in egg yolk. In the human brain, it exists as monoglyceric acid.

In the food industry: As mentioned above, glycerin is considered a sugar alcohol.

  • In bakeries, it is used as a moisturizer, volumizer, and thickener. Used as a sweetener or solvent for products.
  • Used as a preservative in processed fruits, canned goods, and jam production.
  • Used as a softening agent in bread, meat, cakes, chocolate, cheese, etc.
  • Used to prevent the formation of ice crystals in certain foods such as ice cream, yogurt, and some desserts.
  • Glycerin is added to some dried fruits to maintain moisture.

Explosives: Used in the production of explosives like dynamite. It is created from the reaction between nitric acid, glycerol, and sulfuric acid. If this substance is exposed to heat, it easily explodes.

Where Should We Obtain Glycerin?

Depending on the use of glycerin, you can easily obtain it from various sources. For bulk purchases, you can obtain it from chemical material sales companies. Also, for edible types of glycerin, you can proceed from pharmacies and health product sales centers.

Glycerin in Explosives

Harms of Glycerin

Excessive use of glycerin can cause skin dehydration and dryness. This substance is safe for adults. If consumed as an edible substance, it can cause problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, thirst, bloating, dizziness, and headaches. If injected into veins, it can cause extensive damage to red blood cells. Its special property (moisturizing) makes it one of the highest quality and most suitable products for dry skin because it absorbs enough moisture for hydration and prevents moisture loss.

If you taste this substance, consult a doctor immediately. As you know, this substance is widely used in various foods and edibles, so if a small amount is tasted, it is unlikely to be harmful. When working with it, use special clothing, glasses, and masks to prevent contact with eyes and skin. The price of this substance is cheap, and anyone can easily purchase it.

It is better to know that sometimes some people develop allergies while using glycerin, resulting in redness, itching, and dryness of their skin. Generally, this substance does not have flammability risks. If you develop an allergy to glycerin, it is better to avoid using it.

Sometimes, very dangerous toxic vapors may be emitted from it. If there is eye or skin contact with this substance, it is better to wash it off.

Glycerin Storage and Packaging Conditions

For better preservation and to prevent spoilage, glycerin is stored in polymer and metal barrels in a dry and cool place.

If it comes in contact with the eyes, it can easily cause serious and irreparable damage, and sometimes it causes burning or irritation of the skin.

If exposed to heat, it easily catches fire. This chemical substance will easily ignite at a temperature of 393 degrees Celsius and, if decomposed, turns into a toxic substance called acrolein. It is important to know that this substance has a pH of 5 to 8. The best and most suitable storage conditions are at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius.

Technical Specifications of Glycerin

  • Its chemical name is Glycerin.
  • Its chemical formula is C3H8O3.
  • It easily melts at a temperature of 17.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • It also boils at 554 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • It easily dissolves in water.
  • Its appearance is in the form of a transparent, sweet, sticky liquid.
  • It is available in edible and industrial forms.

We at Elsapa Company are the best suppliers of glycerin with the most suitable prices and the best quality. We also have a high level of expertise in the buying and selling of this substance. We assure our compatriots that we will provide you with original and first-grade products.

Melting and Boiling Point of Glycerin

This substance will melt at 18 degrees Celsius, thus it is liquid at room temperature. Its boiling point is 290 degrees Celsius, and it has a very strong intermolecular force, which is one of the main reasons for its high boiling point. Since this substance is highly hygroscopic, it easily attracts water. Therefore, to prevent this, it is packaged in moisture-free packaging.

This substance does not react when in contact with oxygen. In contact with metals such as iron and copper, it may oxidize, so do not place it in contact with metals. Its melting point is 18 degrees Celsius, and storing it at lower temperatures may cause bubbles to form inside it, negatively affecting its appearance. It should be noted that if this substance is pure and does not contain water, no bubbles will form inside it.


How is Glycerin Produced?

As mentioned in the text above, the main source of this substance is from the fat tissue of plants (olive oil) and also animal fat tissue. The main method of producing this widely used substance is (production from a reaction called saponification). In this process, fat reacts with alkali, and glycerin and soap are obtained after distillation and separation. It is interesting to know that glycerin in fats is in combination with stearic acid, oleic acid, and palmitic acid (acid found in dates). Glycerin can be produced from petroleum sources and is a by-product in the production of biodiesel. It should be noted that the production of this substance by artificial means is more cost-effective. However, it can be prepared using propylene. This substance can be obtained from plant oils such as corn, soy, coconut, canola, and ultimately date palm kernel oil. An important point to note about the plant and industrial types of glycerin is that the plant type is better and of higher quality and can be used for hygienic purposes.


The main source of this substance is plant and animal fat tissue. Also, the main source of its preparation is from the saponification reaction. In this process (fat reacts with alkali, producing glycerin and soap) and after distillation and separation, glycerin is obtained. This substance in fats is in combination with stearic acid, oleic acid, etc.

Online Purchase of Malaysian Glycerin

For purchasing original and high-quality glycerin and for price inquiries of glycerin (at cost-effective prices), you can visit our website at

Buy Glycerin

Elsapa online store of chemical and polymer materials and water treatment is a glycerin seller with the best price and high quality.

In order to buy, you can contact Behnam Asadollahi, expert in the sale of glycerin of Elsapa company.

Contact phone: 02186017285 extension 306

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